Over the weekend, the Jebal Ali Dragons Rugby Football Club competed in the 50th annual Emirates Airlines Dubai Rugby Sevens. Jebal Ali Dragons fielded 3 teams across 3 different tournaments, and were proudly supported by Mintaga throughout.
Over 100,000 people visited the Sevens over the weekend to celebrate the tournaments half century. The three day event featured a historic performance from Kyle Minogue, and the Emirates A380 Airbus doing two flyovers at the Sevens stadium.

The rugby club has a rich history in the UAE, having been established in 1992. This makes it one of the oldest clubs in the region. For many years The Dragons have competed at top levels, this year being no different. The first seven competed against local competition in the Gulf Men’s League, the highest level of competition available locally. The second team competed in the Gulf Men’s open, whilst the veterans team (those over the age of 35) were battling it out in the Gulf Vets league.
All teams performed admirably over the weekend, showcasing a high level of skill and accuracy The first team went into day 3 unbeaten, having won their pool. After continuing their streak by winning their quarter final, they lost to a strong Dubai Hurricanes team, who eventually went on to win the title. The second team had a slightly more difficult run, and after starting well with a win, their tournament finished early on the second day. The veterans who became nicknamed “The Franchise” had the most success in their respective tournament. They won each and every one of their games, eventually challenging an experienced Barrelhouse side in the final on pitch 2. Fortunately, after conceding early, the Vets dug deep and put in a fantastic second half performance to secure the victory and title.

All in all, it was a fantastic weekend, The Jebal Ali Dragons were held in great regard with the public, and children who came along to watch, and to celebrate rugby. The players are exceptionally grateful for the support they receive from Mintaga throughout the season, which allows them to perform to their highest standards.