As always Mintaga seeks to collect unbiased opinions and data from the tenants in Dubai, and present this in a way in which is helpful for the residential community. Over the last two weeks an interactive poll has run on in which nearly 2000 users responded to questions. This has given us a useful insight into how the community feels residences in the market have responded, and how landlords have adjusted rents due to the pandemic. The three questioned asked were as follows.

Have you received a discount on your rent from your landlord or building management since the crisis?
This data displays a clear majority of 78.6% of tenants’ rents remaining static through the current circumstances. 6.8% of users who responded to the poll had experienced a 5% reduction in rents. The largest proportion of those whose rents were effected saw more than a 15% change.

Do you feel that your community management or FM management have handled the crisis well?
The majority of users considered their community management or FM management teams have handled the crisis well, whilst 32.1% of people feel the opposite.

Do you feel your community have abided by the rules put in place to protect us?
The larger part of Mintaga users responded that their community were abiding by the rules put in place to protect us, whilst only 29.3% felt the opposite.
This poll is no longer running, however please keep an eye out for future polls and other interactive features on Please leave a review of your current or past residence and contribute to the Mintaga community.